Thursday, January 13, 2011

Assignments suggestions

A few assignments I thought might be useful during the semester in Information Design (3369) include:

1)  Billboard advertisement - Have students imagine they are the owners of their own companies and create a billboard advertisement. What design did they choose and why? Where is the billboard located and why? How long will the advertisement be displayed and why? Is the billboard a general advertisement of the business, or is it more specific about a particular aspect of the business?

2) Syllabus recreation - Have students recall their least favorite class so far and redesign the class syllabus. Aside from the generic, mandatory college information, what would they change? Would the syllabus be more or less structured? Would it be longer or shorter? Would it change the way they learned in that class or the class's overall outcomes and goals?

3) Marketing collection - Have students select an industry (movie, music, art, theater, manufacturing, service, etc.) and create a five-piece marketing package for a client. Why did they choose these five media for marketing? How are they important? What media were left out and why? What is the purpose of the collection? Informative? Business growth? How often should a marketing campaign be run for their clients?

4) Create an information package about their major's department for another student or prospective student. What information should be included? What information should be excluded? Why did they choose the presentation medium they chose? What is the purpose of the presentation package?


  1. A billboard advertisement would work well, but I'm not so sure about a syllabus recreation. I'd need to learn more about what you have in mind there. If it integrated a CMS and social media, perhaps... Some sort of marketing collection makes good sense, too, as well as an information package. Looking forward to seeing artifacts, specific ones, that you want to re/design, Tasha.

  2. I believe that something like a billboard advertisement would be a good idea. This creation would be somehting more thatn just designing a buisness card and could most definetly by something that you could pitch to someone in order to help out thier company.

  3. Looking forward to your post regarding assignment selection specifics. A good start to the course here!

  4. I really like the idea of a billboard. There will be many different ideas we can incorporate into a billboard project as well as techniques regarding its presentation that would be highly relevant to our class.
